
Showing posts from October, 2018

My Own Personal Horror Show

The eve of Halloween and here at work you would think a haunted house has puked all over the place. There are animated figures, skulls, spiders w/ webs, pumpkins galore, and so so much more! Next to my desk I am kept company by this guy...  And this guy..... ___________________________ But that's not the real horror show at this receptionist's desk. It's been 2 weeks since my first chemo treatment and this morning my hair started coming out. My scalp itches and stings. I keep running my fingers through my hair only to have clumps of it abandon my head, possibly for better digs....The above picture I took this morning. I'm going to try to remember to take another at the end of the day.

One Week After Chemo

It has been a very bumpy week! I left work 30 minutes early last Wednesday because of "chemo pain" and had to call in sick Thursday and Friday. My whole body was in agony. It was, and is neuropathy. The doctor told me to start taking Claritin and after 48 hours my pain had gone from a 9.5 to 5. Big change.  I am also going to try taking glucosamine powder to help with the joint pain and the neuropathy.  She also said to take vitamin B6 and Aleve, but I stopped the Aleve because it was irritating my stomach. I'm already battling nausea. Still taking anti-nausea meds. My appetite is still isn't back, but I don't mind that. I know I am losing weight too fast, but I don't care. What I need to do is get more fruit and vegetables in my diet. My taste buds are all messed up. Certain flavors and textures are repulsive. Even my favorite flavor, chocolate, tastes muted and dull. Plus, I don't crave sweets like I used to, not a bad thing. This is where the mental/e

Day Two After Chemo, Not a Happy Camper!

The meds given to help with the side effects have worn off and now I am feeling the pain! Bones ache, head aches, fatigue, and let's not forget the nausea! I am a mess. Yes, I made it to work. But if my boss hadn't already called out of work, I would have left early. I am hoping I make it through the week. I need the income! I have had a chance to speak with all of children since Monday's chemo. But not my step children. I am not really sure they know what's going on. I would really like to feel better later because Joe and I are part of a private vendor showing for a senior living community. We do all kinds of jewelry styles, but for this showing we are showcasing our steampunk ware. I posted a short video of the display we will use. I re-purposed an old jewelry box into a dresser. I painted it and Joe replaced the drawer pulls with steampunk-ie pulls. Then we took a deep shadow box and turned it into a display case. I added steampunk background and Joe put it

First Day After First Chemo treatment

I woke up this morning with red hot flushing on my face. I look like I am either drunk or sun burned. But a quick check on the internet and I find out that this is a possible side effect of the chemo and should calm down in the next few days. I'm not sure how well you can see the flushing. So far, the nausea has been minimal. I taking anti nauseous medication and I am only eating small meals every 3 hours or so. Last night for dinner I could only eat some rice and vegetables. I am noticing that things are starting to taste different. The organic nutritional drink I had for lunch had a metallic taste. I like it last week, but now, not so much. Still very tired and am having aches and pains all over. I have started a side effect journal for both me and the doctor. Got the idea watching videos of other cancer patients and how they are dealing with chemo. I am working today. Just having to be very careful. My brain is a bit foggy and multi-tasking is proving to be difficult.Y

Quick Note

I had my first chemotherapy treatment today.  It was a whole day affair. Joe took me.  We brought snacks, a tablet, and comfort items (small pillow, soft throw, lip balm, etc.) We watched 4 older Doctor Who episodes.  Well I couldn't keep my eyes open. They gave me steroids, antihistamine and anti nausea medications to help me manage the some of the side effects of the chemo drugs. Two types and I will detail later. I'll write more later. I'm wiped out.

Getting Ready for Poison Treatments

I go for my first chemo treatment next week. Last Saturday my daughter, Rachael went with me to get my hair super short. I've been reading a lot on what to expect and how to get ready. Everyone at work loves my new hairstyle, but I don't. My ears and my neck are cold, however I know it will get worse.  Above picture is me the first day back to work after surgery.  Taken half way through the hair cut....HHHHAAAAA And after the deed was done. And my tears dried. We are also getting meals pre-made and frozen and we hope to buy a recliner chair so I won't be stuck in bed when I am recovering. I've also been watching YouTube videos of women who are going through or have gone through chemo/radiation treatments. Some depressing, some inspiring. Average them out and I figure that's what to expect. The cancer center I am going to gave me a pink tote bag (part of the pink ribbon project) filled with goodies. I won't use some of the items, but I will b

Camping Will Have to Wait

I had my first post op appointment on Tuesday. Stage 3 cancer. It has spread to some of my lymph nodes. I will need to get a ct scan to see where else it has gone, plus I will have to have what the doctor calls sandwich therapy. Chemo then radiation then back to chemo. Toxic sandwich. I have been so upset and basically grief stricken. The 5 year survival rate for stage 3 endometrial cancer is between 47-58%. Chemo and radiation goes against everything I hold true about organic/natural living. But with odds not in my favor, I feel I need to submit to this horrific procedure. I am more frightened to this than I was about the surgeries. Plus my hair will fall out!!!!!!!! OH I have to take a moment. I'll come back to this later..... _________________________________ The next day....... I just don't know where to begin. This blog has come so far from what I wanted it to be about. I wanted to explore the world of homemade....but I brought my love for camping into it, and now