
Showing posts from July, 2018

Surgery Results

My last post I wrote July 17, 2018, two days before my surgery. I was so very frightened that I figured I should write a farewell post. But I made it okay. My surgery took 2 hours and they removed my left fillopian tube and the polyps in my uterus. Those polyps were tested and the results indicate that I have edometrial cancer. My next operation will be the end of August. The surgeon will be using a robot to remove my uterus and extra bits. My doctor was very pleased how well I managed the first surgery and seems positive. They released me from the hospital the same day as my surgery, but Joe and I had reserved a motel room just in case there were any complications. But everything went well. Thank you, God! I have 4 surgical incisions that make it uncomfortable right now, so I can't sit or stand for very long. I took the whole week off from work, so I am home resting. I am now doing research on natural healing and so far I have started taking ginger and drinking hibiscus te

Last Post Before big day

This is my last post before my surgery. Yes, I am scared. Yes, I wish I could talk to each of my family members before it. Yes, my biggest fear is passing and leaving this life without doing and experiencing all that life has to offer. But I trust God. He is my only hope. Jesus, please protect and heal me. I love you! I love you, Joe! You are awesome and life would have been nothing without you! Every breath I breathe is about you. No matter what we are doing, as long as we are doing it together, I'm happy. No one understood me like you have and I am so grateful for our time together. I wish it would have been longer. Joe, you are the best!!!! To my children and stepchildren. Take care of yourself and your siblings. Please keep your mind open to all that God can do. I love you!!! Look after Joe. To my grandchildren. I wish I could watch you grow up. You are both so precious! Don't let your parents' problems become yours. Please know that I love you very much! I don&

Better Day

My previous post was such a downer! I held off publishing it until the next week to give me time to think and reflect. The only reason I decided to publish it was to show how rough going through the uncertainty of this situation can be. I had my pre-op appointment yesterday and got some needed answers. I still can't go into much detail yet, but the surgery will be about 3 hours long and may only be same day. We went ahead and reserved a hotel room for the night before my surgery and for 2 nights after, since we live an hour away from the hospital. Sunday Joe and I took Mom out to lupper (lunch and supper) at her favorite seafood restaurant (Captain Nance) in Calabash, NC. It's only about 10 minutes away from us. I know I have no business eating out, but she has been whiny and seafood seems to be only thing that makes her happy. Plus, I hadn't had a chance to spend time with her because of the busyness of the July 4th holiday. So we ate seafood then drove around to let h

Upcoming Situation

I'm going to need surgery. I have a polyp in my uterus (the probable source of my bleeding) and an ovarian cyst about the size of a tennis ball. Which explains why I keep having golden retrievers lining up around me. Kidding aside, I am quite nervous about all this. Other than giving birth, I haven't been in the hospital since 1988 for gall bladder removal. Plus, I don't know if this will be out patient or if I'll have to be admitted. The hospital is in Wilmington, NC about an hour from home. Apparently they have the special equipment to do all of the procedures the doctor wants to do to me. I am scared. I want to have a positive attitude about all this, but when I'm in this much discomfort (I can feel the cyst on my left side) all I want to do is curl up and cry. We canceled another camping trip because of me. Additionally, I'm not even sure my health insurance will cover my surgery. The cost of insurance has gone up so much, that where I work had to offer a