
Showing posts from March, 2019

3 More Rounds

I found out Friday that I will be getting 3 more rounds of chemotherapy. I am not looking forward to this, in fact, I am outright dreading it. My hair is coming back nicely, that will go as well as the following side effects: changes in taste, loss of appetite, nausea, extreme pain in joints, digestive issues, possible mouth sores ( I was able to not have that last time because of oil pulling), soft nails, extreme fatigue, neuropathy, and my favorite...chemo brain. Our little garden is all set up and we have started seeds indoors in trays. Bush beans, tomatoes, peppers, lavender, sage, and basil are just some of what we will be growing this year. Our sweet potato slips are coming along nicely. Last Saturday evening we did have a firepit. I did two short videos. Peace to you for reading.

Small Goals Start Today

I am worn out. My energy levels are still not what I need them to be. I realize that the side effects of chemo and radiation therapies are in play, but I have things to do and I need to feel better. Take last night, for example. I was cooking dinner and as usual, I had to sit down to rest after each part of preparations were made. I needed help cutting up vegetables, stirring the meal and even grating Parmesan cheese. And it was a simple dinner of Italian sausage, red onion and bell peppers served with rice noodles. It shouldn't have been the drama situation it turned out to be. But that's every night. Especially after working 9 hours a day. This evening Joe and I are going shopping for gardening supplies. I hope I don't wimp out and use a scooter at the store. I am not eating like I know I should and I am not drinking enough water. Little bit ago I went on SparkPeople and logged in what I consumed yesterday on their food tracker and I ate almost 3,000 calories. No wo

When Irish Eyes are Smiling

Happy St. Patrick's day to you.  Just went to my mother's assisted living facility for lunch and a show. The bangers 'n mash was good.  The show was a couple who  often sings for the folks. They do old tunes.  Mom had fun and it was nice spending time with her. Joe works at the same facility and had to man the drink station. We bought him a new green shirt for the day. After about 2 1/2 hours mon and I had enough and she went to her room for a nap. I came out to the van to wait for Joe to finish cleaning up. The best part was when he took out the trash. His wedding ring fell off but without missing a beat he jumped into the dumpster to retrieve it. New shirt and all. I love him! But I'll wait to kiss him until he takes a shower when we get home.  Peace to you!

End of Radiation Treatments

Horray! I had my last radiation treatment yesterday. I finished my daily external treatments a few weeks ago. But I still had several internal treatments.They are now done and on the 22nd I have a follow up appointment to see if I need any more chemo treatments. Fingers crossed that I am done. My hair is coming back nicely and the neuropathy is going away. I still get nausea though. I've still been wearing hats because of the cold. As you can see, my hair is long enough to be messed up. I am completely silver now and with very straight hair. Everyone kept saying I'd end up with curly hair, but my head wouldn't have any of that nonsense. The flowers in the background was given to me from a co-worker who have been very supportive through this whole process. She was so proud I made it through radiation. I'm just bummed I look more and more like my mother.... In other news, I ordered some more seeds as part of our preps for this year's garden. Banana peppers, lav