One Week After Chemo

It has been a very bumpy week! I left work 30 minutes early last Wednesday because of "chemo pain" and had to call in sick Thursday and Friday. My whole body was in agony. It was, and is neuropathy. The doctor told me to start taking Claritin and after 48 hours my pain had gone from a 9.5 to 5. Big change.  I am also going to try taking glucosamine powder to help with the joint pain and the neuropathy.  She also said to take vitamin B6 and Aleve, but I stopped the Aleve because it was irritating my stomach.

I'm already battling nausea. Still taking anti-nausea meds. My appetite is still isn't back, but I don't mind that. I know I am losing weight too fast, but I don't care. What I need to do is get more fruit and vegetables in my diet. My taste buds are all messed up. Certain flavors and textures are repulsive. Even my favorite flavor, chocolate, tastes muted and dull. Plus, I don't crave sweets like I used to, not a bad thing. This is where the mental/emotional and physical compete. I want comfort foods, but they don't taste good. Maybe it's a good thing I also have chemo fog, I forget that I want something sweet and take a nap.

So far, I have avoided the mouth sores by oil pulling.  I have done oil pulling in the past but I was watching videos of other cancer patients and how they dealt with side effects and one British lady mentioned it to prevent mouth sores. I use coconut oil. I use about a tablespoon and swish it around for 10 minutes or so. I could do it longer, but I get tired of hearing the noise. LOL! After I'm done, I spit the oil into an old disposable water bottle and then brush my teeth. It should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. I highly recommend it.

My scalp has itchy bumps all over and I have a feeling the hair will be coming out soon. I still don't have a wig. I'm not sure we'll be able to afford one. I did go to Roses over the weekend and I got 4 beanies and a hat. I have 3 chemo turbans ordered and they should arrive in the next week.

I've got other side effects going on, but it's boring me to talk about it.

I am at work today and hopefully will be able to work until my next chemo treatment in November. Each day gets a little easier. Pain level right now is at a 2. My fingers and feet are tingly like they need to wake up but can't.

I wish I could communicate with other cancer patients in my situation. I know they are out there. I'm also worried about Joe. He is under stress from me, his mom, work, adult children, etc. and I want the best for him. He has been doing so much! I love him so much!

Peace to you for reading, and yes, I dream of camping.


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