Those Darn Side Effects

Last Saturday I woke up to a terrible pain in the left big toe. It got worse as the day went on so that by 2pm I couldn't walk on it at all. Thinking it was  just my neuropathy, we went to a new CBD dispensary to get some cream to rub on it. It helped a little, but putting the foot up and applying cold packs helped more.

Here is a little video I did that Saturday.
The next day my toe felt a little better, but I still couldn't walk around much. Monday morning I called and got a doctor's appointment. I found out that I have gout. He prescribed some medicine and put me on bed rest for two days. By Thursday, I was able to put on shoes and go to work.

In doing some research, I found out that gout can be a side effect of chemo. Chemotherapy is the gift that just keeps on giving....UGH!

Peace to you!


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