Small Goals Start Today

I am worn out. My energy levels are still not what I need them to be. I realize that the side effects of chemo and radiation therapies are in play, but I have things to do and I need to feel better.

Take last night, for example. I was cooking dinner and as usual, I had to sit down to rest after each part of preparations were made. I needed help cutting up vegetables, stirring the meal and even grating Parmesan cheese. And it was a simple dinner of Italian sausage, red onion and bell peppers served with rice noodles. It shouldn't have been the drama situation it turned out to be.

But that's every night. Especially after working 9 hours a day. This evening Joe and I are going shopping for gardening supplies. I hope I don't wimp out and use a scooter at the store.

I am not eating like I know I should and I am not drinking enough water. Little bit ago I went on SparkPeople and logged in what I consumed yesterday on their food tracker and I ate almost 3,000 calories. No wonder I don't feel good. Way too much sugar/carbs. I tell you what.....sugar should be on the schedule 1 list instead of.....

So I am going to start my small goals again. For this first, it will be not eat anything after dinner, except hot tea. After dinner snacking is one of my worst habits, so I want to take on this one first. I have some other really bad habits that I need to address, but I won't mention them now. For now, no food after dinner, except hot tea.

Hoping for the best. Peace to you for reading.


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