The Home Stretch

Today makes my 20th radiation treatment. 8 more to go. good thing too because I am worn out and sick of loosing hours at work, fighting traffic, having to scramble to get dinner ready after treatment and putting up with technicians who are clearly on auto-pilot. There is one young man who asks me the same questions, some times three times a day. "How was your day?" "What are your plans after your treatment?" "Any big plans after this?" "What did you do today?" No one is outright rude, but they are clearly tired of seeing my fat face.

I've been taking a picture each week showing the progress of my hair growth. The sides are coming in nicely, the top, not so much. I am really hoping that by mid March to be able to show my hair again. I am tired of wearing hats.

We are going to have a garden this year!!! Yea! This time we are going to only use 5 gallon buckets. In the past I have used smaller containers and ended up with smaller vegetables. I'm hoping that by giving the plants more space, we'll yield more produce.

If I don't need any more chemotherapy, I think we will celebrate by going on a short camping trip. Big, huge YEA!!! We haven't decided where we'd go, but just thinking about it puts me in better spirits.

That's it for now. Mom's sick, but I can't go visit her because of my immune system being weak. I'm worried about her.

My step daughter got married last night in Las Vegas. They moved out there last year and they decided to marry at the same wedding chapel that was featured on the tv show, "Friends." Joe and I paid to have the ceremony streamed online, but as of last night, it hadn't become available. We are hoping it is running now. She did call Joe last night and she was so happy. We wish her and her new hubby all the best.

Peace to you for reading.


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