Finished the Daily

That's right! I have finished my daily radiation treatments. I was given a certificate and I got to ring the bell they have on the wall.
I still have 3 more radiation treatments in Wilmington, but yesterday was the last daily treatments.

My hair is coming in thick, with the exception of the I am still wearing chem hats to work. Plus, it is still winter and my head gets cold.

I am still fatigued by the radiation and I have aches and pains in my bladder. The doctor said it was normal. That knowledge doesn't stop the fact that I have to run to the restroom every half hour. 

Some time in March I'll find out if I have to do any more chemo treatments. I am so hoping not.

We are now in the planning stages of our garden. Hopefully this weekend I'll feel like getting my hand dirty planting seeds.

I took this picture of a flower that was outside work. I laid it on white card stock and used the flash. I love how it almost glows.
Not too much is going on. Just ready for the weekend. I need a nap.

Peace to you.


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