A Sobering Moment

Here at work the mood staying jolly during the holidays. Even when we are busy, everyone has a smile on their face. Until today...

It happened after several luncheons had taken place and most people were gone. An older woman, who had left, came back in to get her coast when she fell on in the lobby. The floor is porcelain and she fell on her face and arm. Lots of blood and screaming. I called 911 while my boss helped the woman stay calm and a team of coworkers fanned out to find her husband. We all worked well and she is now at the hospital. The EMT workers did a great job taking care of her.

But the reality of it all has sunk in and can be seen on everyone's faces. Concern, worry and I know for me, panic.

It only takes a moment, just one, to cause the whole world to change. One horrible act, where by intent or accident, to turn everything upside down.

My boss turned on Christmas music to try to lighten the mood, but I think it will take awhile to go back to the light heartened mood of the holidays.

Bless the woman, her husband and son as they go through this. I pray for a speedy recovery and peace during the process.


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