Long time no post

I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post. Work has been crazy and getting ready for my son coming to visit kept me distracted.

Yesterday I had my 3rd chemo treatment. Next I have several doctor's appointments and the pre-stuff for radiation treatments. They won't start until Jan. 2nd though.

During my treatment yesterday, my son Sean stopped by to hang out. That was cool to have him there. Joe, of course, drove me and took care of me as he has lovingly done each treatment.

Last week for Thanksgiving it was Sean, his girlfriend Mika and Rachael all came over for the afternoon. I had to work in the morning, but was home around 12:30pm to find Joe already starting the cooking and entertaining everyone. We all had such a good time and I hadn't laughed so much in ages.

Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sean and Mika stayed with us because their campsite was in North Carolina and they had a vendor showing in Myrtle Beach. They worked very hard and did alright. I have a picture of their booth that I will post here with a link to her website. She sells herbs and brought me a care package of all kinds of herbs to make different teas. Plus some lotion balls. Super cool!

Saturday we started putting Christmas decorations with the outside stuff.
 Here is Sean and I as we watched Joe do most..okay....all of the setting up. But we did have a fire barrel going, so someone had to tend to it.

We had a wonderful time with them and hope to see them soon. They are nomadic so who knows when they will turn up again! Exciting!


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