Like Rats Fleeing a Sinking Ship

It's day 3 of the horror/freak show that is my life. The hair is still falling out everywhere! It's in the shower, the pillow, my clothes, the desk, and it itches! My scalp stings, aches and yes, itches. I changed up my homemade shampoo to make it more gentle. Now my recipe is:

1 cup chamomile tea, using 2 tea bags
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon olive oil
3/4 cup liquid Dr. Bronner's baby soap

Steep tea for 30 minutes with honey. Remove tea bag. Add olive oil and then Dr. Bronner's baby soap.

When thinking about how to change my shampoo, I researched what ingredients were in commercial baby shampoos. And three things were common, chamomile, honey and olive oil. Two of those items were already in my shampoo recipe. Easy.

Now for the horror pics! Keep in mind these are just what I have lost during work hours. It doesn't include what I loose in the shower each day, which has been clogging up the shower!

First we have yesterday's losses:
 Morning loss
Afternoon loss.

And now to today's loss...I could make a sweater with all this!
 These two hair balls are just from this morning's loss!!!
And yet, I still have lots of hair left!!! I don't look like I have lost hair, just that I have a majorly short pixie hair cut. 

But even as I type, there is hair falling off and getting in my face! UUggghhh!!!

The other side effects from the chemo are pretty much managed. Nausea, minimal. Neuropathy, getting better with the help of Vitamin B6, glucosamine powder and claritin. Appetite, back to almost normal. Digestive issues are still causing me discomfort. I go from one extreme to another. Foods still taste odd to me. I've had some mouth pain, but the oil pulling has helped. Over all pain level is running about a 2.

My next doctor's appointment and chemo treatment is next week. The doctor should give me to green light to resume normal activities. But the chemo treatment will make me not feel like doing least for a week. I know that the side effects are accumulative. So as this goes on, I don't know how I will feel.

I know I have to be careful for infections.

So, as the hair balls gather in my trash can, I wish you a peaceful November.

Peace to you for reading this far!


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