Surgery Results

My last post I wrote July 17, 2018, two days before my surgery. I was so very frightened that I figured I should write a farewell post. But I made it okay.

My surgery took 2 hours and they removed my left fillopian tube and the polyps in my uterus. Those polyps were tested and the results indicate that I have edometrial cancer. My next operation will be the end of August. The surgeon will be using a robot to remove my uterus and extra bits. My doctor was very pleased how well I managed the first surgery and seems positive.

They released me from the hospital the same day as my surgery, but Joe and I had reserved a motel room just in case there were any complications. But everything went well. Thank you, God!

I have 4 surgical incisions that make it uncomfortable right now, so I can't sit or stand for very long. I took the whole week off from work, so I am home resting.

I am now doing research on natural healing and so far I have started taking ginger and drinking hibiscus tea as well as taking multivitamins with extra vitamin D3.

My hope is that by the time the weather cools down, my health will be back and we can go camping. In fact, according to nurse Amy, when I came out of surgery I was calling for Joe and saying that we were camping. Joe and camping. Joe and camping. Joe and camping. I woke up calm and at peace. I was even happier when they let Joe come into the recovery room.

Joe has been wonderful during this situation. I know it has been difficult for him to see me so weak, but he stepped up and I truly got to live the love we share for each other.

Okay, this post is wearing me out, so I will say thank you for anyone who prayed for us.

Peace to you all!


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