Weekend Plans & Camping vs Motel

Well, we are going to be looking at some properties this weekend. I'm not getting my hopes up. I was thinking about how many houses we have seen since February and I believe we over 40. And we have put offers on 2, but were rejected. It's funny, when we show interest in a house, it either goes off market or gets sold before we can act on them. There was one that sold just as we were asking to see it! These two we are seeing this weekend have been on the market awhile, so they are either under a foot of water or currently on fire.LOL!!

Yesterday Joe mowed the yard so we can get the tent out and do some maintenance on it. Mainly we need to repack it. Living on the coast, the yard is all sand so really he was mowing was weeds, ant hills and leaves. But it looks better. Last year we only mowed 4 times. I'm looking forward to seeing our tent set up. Of course, that does depend on the weather. We have received a good bit of rain over the past month. In fact, we cancelled a camping trip because of it. For Mother's Day we went to Gastonia to visit Joe's mom and had to stay at a motel. Yuck on so many levels! I wasn't going to do it, but now I think I shall. Here it goes:

Reasons for camping instead of going to a motel. Now to qualify this, I mean if you have the choice and weather isn't a factor like it was last month.

Cheaper- the motel we stayed at was $57+taxes each night, while staying at Kings Mountain would have been $19+taxes each night. But more importantly, the condition of the motel was quite poor. But pictures speak louder than words. So......
 Strange stains on the sheets. Wait, what?
Cigarettes burns.
 Cigarette burns!
 More cigarette burns!!!

 Oh and what is that? Cigarette burns!!!!

 Guess what I found..cigarette burns!
 Cigarette burns in the sheets, the blanket, comforter and carpet.
 Carpet with cigarette burns and dried gum.

 Missing vent cover in the bathroom.
 More cigarette burns, this time in the bathroom.
VERY stained chair with worn rips. The ottoman matched, but not in a good way.

Rickety chair.
 Door coming apart. What the pictures won't show was the fact that the floor under the carpet was spongy and felt like it has been flooded.
I'm not sure if you can see them, but there were pink stains in the sink. I am hoping they were only soda stains. I was able to scrub them, so couldn't housekeeping?

Fortunately, no bed bugs or scabies and the cable worked.

I didn't bother putting any of this on the orbtiz review page. There is no point. They won't change and it someone needs a cheap room, they will still go there.

My point of sharing it here is to show that with camping you can control the quality of your equipment and supplies. The campsite just needs to be fairly level, near the bathhouse and not too close other campers. I'll do the rest.

As far as other weekend plans, we are going to rest. We've had some busy weekends this past month and I think we just need some down time. I hope your weekend is just what you need it to be.

Take care!
Peace to you!


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