Pictures from our latest camping trip-A Retrospect

Next to living at the campground, reliving it is very calming. Even the rough parts are smoothed over by romanticizing.


 Campsite 32-Just pulled in and looking where to set up the tent and shelter.

Fairly level campsite.

Pine tree canopy.
Fire ring off to the side, near where we parked the van.

 We moved the picnic table to where we wanted it and Joe used it to help set up the shelter.
It only takes us about 10 minutes to erect the tent, takes longer to make it homey.
Tent with rainfly on and twinkle lights. Joe is so clever! He used clothespins to hang both the lights on the tent and the tarp onto the shelter.

After dark, the bra comes off and the campfire burns! Now that's comfort!!!!
Later in the evening, Joe makes hot tea and we enjoy s'mores. The graham crackers are organic, but not the marshmallows or the chocolate. Shame! But it was a treat for being good campers! LOL

Friday- We start exploring...

Ranger Station

A group of three campers came in and were quite entertaining. From making huge campfires using whole logs and gasoline and then leaving it unattended, to loud country music and open drinking of alcohol...they had it goin' on. Note the unattended campfire, they had left the campground for hours. Amazing.

For dinner that night we grilled chicken breasts over the campfire. We each only had one, so on Sunday I made the most flavorful chicken salad I have ever tasted! In addition to the grilled chicken breast, Joe made rice in the shelter on our Coleman stove.

I had ordered this portable shower from the big box store and had it shipped to the Dillon store. I am spoiled by our handheld shower at home and thought this might help. With some tweaks, it works. I'll do a whole separate post on that.

Saturday- lazy morning. I took these pictures relaxing on the bed in the tent. The trees did a good job blocking the sun from waking us up early.

In the afternoon, we took a walk on that trail at the back of our campsite.

Then we drove over to the day area at Lake Norton inside the park. That's right! We didn't go outside the park on Saturday! Soooo nice!

Sunday-By this time my camera had reached it's storage max and the only other picture I got was the fruit cobbler I made. The recipe book I chose to bring was my Better Crocker cookbook. In addition to the cobbler recipe, I used the pancake recipe. I use sprouted wheat flour, organic.
We packed up and left early Monday morning to avoid packing up during the rain that was expected. We got home about 4am and slept the rest of the day. It was rough packing so late, but we did it in 2 hours and was on the road by 3am. We don't mind camping in the rain, but setting up and taking down in the rain is NO fun. Even so, we will have to set up the tent in our yard this weekend to air it out along with the ground tarps we used. It was sprinkling off and on all night. The downpour started about 9am that morning.

When we got home, Joe and I were in so much pain and fatigue that we wanted to cry. But we each smoke on a CBD joint and within 10 minutes, the pain was almost gone and we had the energy to take showers and get ready for bed. I'll do another post on what I have experienced using several different CBD products. The smoke we got at a local head shop, but I've seen it at our local healthfood store as well.



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