Odd Day

I tried to figure out something to post yesterday, but I couldn't. Not a rabbit hole, a rant or musing.My mind is consumed by the big project and since I can't talk about it yet, I'm left staring at a blank text area.


I'm waiting for my smoothie to defrost enough to consume for lunch. On Tuesday I didn't bring a smoothie to work and spent the whole day feeling quite low energy and a bit moody. Now that could have been from getting back into work-mode, but having a smoothie for lunch really helps. I posted a picture of the green blob that is my half frozen smoothie. Fascinating.

Here is our Twitter account. https://twitter.com/WiseHippies,

As I'm waiting, the smell of the lunchtime buffet is making me sick. I don't know if it's the French Onion Soup, the Grilled Beef Shoulder w/ BBQ sauce, the Catfish w/ Blackened Caper Sauce or a combination of all three. This is a normal problem, but today is today.


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