Mid-February Goal Check

Here are the goals for February and how I am doing.

Feb. Goals

-Do a juice cleanse for 3 days to restart system I have decided against this goal. I am having success with the homemade smoothies

-Drink at least a gallon of filtered water a day – Daily challenge, but doing it

-Get at least 6 hours of sleep each night – I’m getting close to this one on work nights, about 5 ½ hours, weekends are easier

-Make own shampoo- I haven’t done this one yet.. and my hair keeps asking why?

-Walking 15 minutes at least twice a week. – I’ve only been able to do this once a week, so, I have to work on this one

-Make own sweets/stop buying store-made desserts- I haven’t made any desserts unless you count smoothies. But honestly, since I started using the CBD oil, I haven’t been craving sweets

-Exploring different grains, sweeteners, oils, etc. – I’m going to need to table this goal until March

-Finish reading the book, "Nourishing Traditions," by Sally Fallon Morell – I am so close to finishing this book. I’m purposely reading it slowly and rereading different parts of this wonderful resource.

-Document meal plans for each week. This I have been doing and it is helping with not only shopping, but getting me to think about how different parts of a meal interact with each other. Plus, I haven’t been wanting near the starches I used to want.

-Edit and post video I did post another raw video of us driving down Ocean Blvd. here in North Myrtle beach. I have footage of us setting up and enjoying the fire pit and that is what I will be editing.

-Organize kitchen  With Joe’s help, I have been making good strides towards this goal. We cleaned out the refrigerator and recovered more mason jars than I’d like to admit. We only had one casualty, a half-gallon mason jar. They are not cheap and I was truly saddened by it’s loss.

-Start weighing myself once a week  Going well. I weigh myself on Mondays now.

So that’s it. This is such a short month and it seems to be going very quickly


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