Homemade while Camping?

So since I am already in a camping frame of mind, I thought I'd mention how we ate during our camping trips.

For the most part, we cooked our own meals. Some times on the open campfire, but also used our Coleman stove, grill and oven.

We had a spiral bound notebook that we noted menu plans for the trips we took. With the menus in place, we packed the ingredients needed for each meal, then back up ingredients so we could be flexible. In the notebook we inventoried all items we brought.

We packed all food in plastic storage containers and numbered them and inventoried each container. 2 containers had all of our cookware, plates, kitchen cleaning items, mugs, knives, forks, spoons, bags, etc.

We learned that raccoons love apple cinnamon instant oatmeal. We got raided in Mass. and at Kings Mountain. Now we store our food in the van. We just leave the cooler and non-food storage containers out in the shelter, stacking the containers on the cooler to discourage furry thieves.

Some examples:
 Hot dogs on the Eastern Shore. The problem here is that Joe cooks hot dogs at home SOOO much better than on a campfire. He steams them with spices in the water.

 This Coleman oven is great for biscuits or our favorite camping treat, Annie's Organic Cinnamon Rolls. We usually save them for the morning we are packing up. They cook quickly and go so well with hot tea. Now that I'm making homemade products, I will be exploring a homemade recipe to take camping.

 I can't remember what Joe was about to make with this pictures, but it involved foil. 

 Grilled chicken breasts at Kings Mountain. Joe made a hot coal bed on one side to cook the meat.
 I added the aluminum foil tent to aid in the cooking.

Used Dr. Bronner liquid soap for clean up.


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